Does it Bring You Joy to Declutter?

We see you girl, overturned laundry baskets full of unpaired socks, re-wrinkled t-shirts that you need to “toss back into the dryer," jeans on the ground that require the “sniff test” to see if they are clean or dirty. Well, we have found your guardian angel and her name is Marie Kondo. We know, we know...stick with us, we have Amy + Meredith’d your KonMari Method to fit the everyday Home Girl who maybe doesn’t have time to tackle ALL the overflowing sock drawers or closets just yet.

So unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few weeks, you’ve heard of the marvelous Marie Kondo and her new series on Netflix called Tidying Up with Marie Kondo wherein our heroine introduces folks -- who are a little bit clutter-challenged we’ll say -- to the joy of decluttering or the KonMari Method first made famous in her 2014 best-selling book: "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up."


Cloth + Cabin Marie Kondo

Commit yourself to tidying up.

Okay, now this may be one day out of thirty or heck, even one hundred, but you should take some time to tidy. We don’t think you need to look at this like an all or nothing activity (which is going to directly contradict rule 4 below - but dang it we are trying Marie, cut us some slack!). Even ONE DRAWER of tidying up will be satisfying. Just last week we conquered one drawer of jeans with the konmari method and it felt like winning a gold medal at the Olympics, or at least what we think that feels like. So we choose to go a little at a time - progress not perfection.


Imagine your ideal lifestyle.

We sometimes stress eat over the very idea of having everything in one place perfectly decluttered; I mean, how do the kids play if they don’t pull out everything from the bins? You know, like if a parent can’t step on a Lego every once in a while is it real life? We don’t think so. So our ideal lifestyle is one of compromise, where we are able to make small changes over time, maybe even involve our kids in the “magic of tidying up” - just kidding our kids will probably run from this challenge - no joy. No. Joy.

Cloth + Cabin Marie Kondo

Finish discarding first.

Tidy moms unite. Man, we love taking a heap to Goodwill or repurposing something to recycle it, but dang, getting through all the stuff is a job of its own. Getting through the piles does take some persistence, but what we have found is that once it is done, it’s like we have moved a MOUNTAIN. So this "discard it, before you organize it" philosophy does have its ups and downs, but overall, it’s worth it to make a clear discard pile and get that out of your life. Because if you throw it away, you NEVER HAVE TO PICK IT UP AGAIN. Boom.

Tidy by category, not by location.

Okay Marie, we have tried this and have a hard time making it happen. To grab ALL the clothes and dump them in our living rooms to sort would take us probably weeks, so while we will follow you to the ends of the Earth with your legendary t-shirt folding technique, we do violate your rules when it comes to this one, and we tidy by location, not category. We will work toward category moving forward, but our initial purge admittedly hasn’t happened by category. 


Cloth + Cabin joy of tidying


Follow the right order.

We understand that committing to tidying up is the largest hurdle. I mean truly committing to this type of lifestyle is deep change. We daydream of a tidy always Instagram worthy house and maybe this is the way to get to it, maybe not, who knows? We are willing to try for a little life-changing magic. Are you?

Ask yourself if it sparks joy.

This is the most brilliant step we’ve used to declutter. Never before have we stopped to ask if something brings us joy after it’s been in our homes for years [sometimes many, many years]. So we totally understand and appreciate this rule. Upon purchasing something initially, we definitely feel the joy...but does it bring us joy TODAY? That is where we feel the real MariKon genius lies. How often do you stop to consider if an item is still useful? Probably never. Or maybe you do, but indirectly, like how frequently you use the item. That’s where we are right now - our faves, those sparking joy, are used a lot. Those that do not spark joy, not so much - and get shoved to the back of the closet. How many shirts in your closet do you actually wear? We’re thinking we wear about 15% of all of our clothes and that does NOT bring us joy. So our focus next is our own clothes [gasp]. Purging clothes [do not forget to thank the items!] for kids is so much easier...they outgrow the clothes before we need to ask if it sparks joy!!!

How about you? Has the KonMari method taken over your house? Tell us all about your decluttering and missions to being a Tidy Mom. We’ll reward success or even TOTAL FAILURE with a set of Copper Canisters and a Home Girl t-shirt to KonMari in - we KNOW these items will bring you joy. ;)

Copper Canisters

To enter, leave a comment below with your KonMari success OR failure story AND sign up for our C+C newsletter here. A winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday, February 15th!


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  • I organized all our dressers with her folding method, and it has made a HUGE difference! I can see everything now, and it has helped keep the drawers organized. ☺️

    Erin on
  • Went to start on my pantry, start being the key word. Got as far as eyeing what all I needed to throw away, keep, place elsewhere, etc. Even wrote down what I needed to buy for organization purposes…then….I didn’t. Because well, I’m a mom and when ON EARTH do I have time for that?! Maybe one day.. hehe! Taking applications on who would love to come do it ;)

    MacKenzie Franklin on
  • Went to start on my pantry, start being the key word. Got as far as eyeing what all I needed to throw away, keep, place elsewhere, etc. Even wrote down what I needed to buy for organization purposes…then….I didn’t. Because well, I’m a mom and when ON EARTH do I have time for that?! Maybe one day.. hehe! Taking applications on who would love to come do it ;)

    MacKenzie Franklin on
  • I declutter on a regular basis and donate items I no longer want or need. I plan to go through my closet today and thin it out some more!

    Deborah Stinson on
  • I recently went through your travel closet which includes our suitcases, bags, purses etc. I donated one of my husbands laptop/briefcase travel bags because I have NEVER seen him use it. Sure enough, a week later before he went on a business trip, went looking for that briefcase and couldn’t find it. Totally denied knowing where it went 🙈😂. I’ll tell him at some point….lol.

    Hayley Mudge Zitzelsberger on
  • I’m in the middle of the tidying project now. I LOVE getting rid of stuff. Almost done with my kitchen and laundry room and will move on to my bedroom next. It feels so good to de-clutter and have everything organized!

    Heather Dobie on
  • So far, I have “KonMari-ed” my daughter’s closet and dresser drawers! I also donated a BUNCH of clothes, shoes, purses, and jewlery! I still need major motivation for my pantry & bottom kitchen cabinets! Thank for you the chance to win :)

    Manda B. on
  • I started in the kids drawers. I knew that there was so many items that no longer fit them, so it was necessary anyways since they were overflowing! Being able to open and close the drawers without items getting stuck was AMAZING! LOL. My 4-year old son even liked to try to fold his own clothes! I started on my own drawers and closet at well… but still need to finish those up! I know the canisters and tee shirt would bring much JOY to my life! (wink, wink!)

    Betsy Kirsch on
  • With my first little one on the way, there couldn’t have been a better time for this Kondo-craze to happen. With hubby on board too, that was really the recipe for success- teamwork! Cleaning is tiring enough, but letting go of a memory filled party dress from 25 can also be emotionally draining. Since I’m in my third trimester, I didn’t have the ability to do the “I’m going to try it on to be sure…” mentality. It more more so us laughing holding up clothes and reminiscing one last time about a memory from wearing the item. I think one of the biggest challenges when it comes to getting rid of clothes in particular is feeling like you wasted money. To ease the blow a little, I used ThredUp to make a little something on the items that were in really good condition. The rest went to Goodwill- three truck loads to be exact! We felt really good knowing someone in need could enjoy something donated by us. With a baby on the way and a new life as a mom on the horizon, it made it a lot easier to recognize that some of these items would probably not be making it into this new chapter of my life. And as much as I’m bigger than ever (36 weeks today!) our house has never felt so clean, clear, and light. We couldn’t be happier.

    Brooke on
  • I must have been hiding under a rock because I had never heard of Marie Kondo until Erin (cottonstem) mentioned the name when she was cleaning her spice drawer. So now I’m feeling a little challenged and plan to begin with my spice drawer and pantry hopefully this weekend when we get another snow storm moving through!

    Linda on

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