Designing Your Summer Clothing Palette: What's Hot, What Should You Drop?
Ahhhhh, spring. Daffodils and crocuses and—oh wait, is that snow? West Michigan is known for lots of things, including crazy weather patterns. This winter and...
Bring It ON, Spring!
We love Pure Michigan, with its four beautiful seasons and all, and we know you do, too. But, girlfriend, we are done with the cold....
Putting the "Spring" Back in your Break
Girlfriend, if you’re anything like us, your vacation prep for winter break, mid-winter break, or spring break probably looks something like this: You’re making sure...
Does it Bring You Joy to Declutter?
We see you girl, overturned laundry baskets full of unpaired socks, t-shirts that you need to “toss back into the dryer” as they are re-wrinkled,...
Here Comes The Sun Giveaway
You know what they say...sun's out, giveaway's out. Ok. Well, maybe they don't say that. But we do! Since Memorial Day serves as the unofficial...